5 Steps to Create Content

5 Steps to Create Content

First things first, you need a calendar. Paper or digital, I’m old and love paper. Specifically, I use post its. I like color coding things and they can be moved around if I change my mind

Step 1:
Take full advantage of the monthly made up holidays. Do any of them speak to you? Your brand? Your audience? If so, create a day or 3 of content around them. For example, some of the made up holidays in August are:
August 1
National Girlfriends Day
August 2
 International Beer Day 
 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
August 3
 National Watermelon Day
August 4
 National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
 Sisters Day 
August 10
 National S'mores Day
August 17
 National Thriftshop Day
August 26
 National Dog Day
August 31
 National Eat Outside Day
 National Trail Mix Day

These are just a few of the days and there are several more! 

Step 2: 
Identify your own personal holidays or events for the month. Birthdays, weddings, vacations or any other event you know you’ll be attending in the month that you will be able to grab content from. 

Step 3: 
Always think content. If you are eating, talking a walk, having a great cup of coffee, out with the kids-you can grab content. This content can be to throw in your stories or for a future post. 

Step 4:
Make it about you. One of my personal annoyances is when content creators ask the audience what they want to see. Who cares what they want, that’s not really the point. The people who follow you now or will follow in the future are there because they connected to something you posted or wrote. That should always be your focus. Being true to you and your brand/goals is the true “secret” to building and increasing your following. 

Step 5: 
Plan,plan,plan. You will either have to spend the time to plan or spend the money to hire someone to do it for you, but none of this happens without a plan. Your 30 day calendar needs to include post days, but also days to get the content, days to engage with your audience and a day to plan.

Those are my 5 ways to plan your next 30 days. Still struggling on where to start? Below is sample of a planned content week. Use it, change it to suit your brand and share it! 

7 Days of Content

7 Days of Content

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