LinkedIn:                                                                               You're Doing it Wrong  (or not at all)

LinkedIn: You're Doing it Wrong (or not at all)

LinkedIn is the most under used platform, but for me, it is my largest avenue in gaining new clients and it can be for you too. Let me guess, you forgot you even had a LinkedIn page since you have a job and you haven’t been using it. It’s time to log back in and use it to your advantage – it’s not just for finding jobs anymore.

First things first: update everything!

·        Profile Picture ( I prefer a head shot or picture that clearly shows your face, not a full body).

·        Banner Image ( I prefer you to actually create a header that includes your info/website. You can use a free app like Canva that gives you the exact measurements and you won’t have to spend time resizing).

·        Current Job (previous positions 2 or 3 if it’s been that long) BUT NOT every single job needs to be listed. Tailor it to what you are trying to achieve and the experience that frames you in the best light.

Here’s where entrepreneurs and small business owners can shine! No matter your current full-time gig or several part time gigs, you want YOUR company at the top of that page.  Be creative with your title, you don’t have to just be CEO or Owner (although there is nothing wrong with those titles). 

Try some of these:

·        Content Creator

·        Creative Director at All Things Mikita (you can steal mine if you want)

·        Creator of____­­__________

·        Author of ______________

·        Educator of 4th Grade Minds

·        Inventor of_____________

·        Seller of 1 Million Dollar Houses

You get the idea. Think of your title as your headline, what will be attention grabbing. Click bait if you will.

Next:  Connections

PLEASE do not use LinkedIn to connect with former classmates from 1995 or your Cousins – let’s leave that on Facebook. I want you to connect with professionals who are doing what you are doing (or want to do). Use this platform to level up your circles.  You want to connect with people who are in rooms you want to be in.  Lateral friends are great, but that’s not what we’re doing here. We are looking for people on LinkedIn who care hire you, buy your books, book you for speaking engagement, invest in your product, who might be a few steps ahead of you and can pull your forward. Connect with people who attended your college and maybe graduated ahead of you, people always have a soft spot for alumni.

After That: Skills & Recommendations & Sharing

·        Take the skills assessment quiz, post your results

·        Ask for recommendations.  It may feel a little pushy, but LinkedIn makes it super easy to ask for recommendations. So easy, like click of a button easy. Do it, the connections that you have will gladly recommend you, you just must make sure the person you are asking knows you in that area of your life. From a person who has given several recs and references, it is very easy, and it does not bother me when people ask for them, I am happy to help.

·        If someone posts something that you like, it’s related to what you are doing, it’s always nice to share. It gets eyes on your page and you are strengthening the connections made, by sharing that person’s content or job listing.

What Now: Posts & Timing

As far as times to post, think business hours, 8-5, Monday – Friday. People usually view it at work, from a work computer.  Not everyone has the app on their phone, so that is the time you want to post.

This is NOT the place to post cute pics of your dog (unless that’s the business you are in).  This is not the place to rant about politics or religion. This is not the place to post your boyfriend. Literally no one cares about that stuff on LinkedIn. This is business and you should treat it as such. Think of it as a running resume as well as a place to establish yourself as an expert in your field.

If you are a yoga teacher – you want everyone in your circle to think of you anytime anyone mentions yoga. That is how you get those festival teaching opportunities and new classes and model opportunity for yoga pants…etc.

If you are a realtor, you need everyone in your circle to think of you when it comes to real estate. LinkedIn is where you establish yourself as the expert. Giving tips on how to secure a mortgage, how to re-finance your home, how to sell fast…etc. Give the people the tips that will help them.  What happens when you give tips is that people will take the advice BUT they will also come to you with questions and hire you for your expertise.

If your goal is to be a national speaker, posts of past speaking gigs that include a picture of you in action, as well as the topics you covered.

People are visual and you want to make you have something eye catching to go with your posts, just typed words are not looked at as much.  LinkedIn also allows you to see your views and metrics now, so you will be able to gauge what is working.

 Lastly: Create Your Own Group

What are you an expert in? What are you trying to sell? Create a group around your field of expertise and ask people to join it.

Receipts: Yeah, I got those too.

1.      My last full-time gig came from LinkedIn. I was hired to manage social media for a Fortune 500 company, the interviewer mentioned that he was impressed by the endorsements on my LinkedIn page and that is what helped me edge out the other candidate.

2.      One of my clients, who was only using the platform for work, made a post about a product, increased views – followed by sales.

3.      I am currently contracting as a hiring manager and I’ve hired 5 people from their UPDATED LinkedIn pages with current experience. The positions I hired for came with $1500 bonuses, so it was a win for them just from having their pages up to date with correct contact info.

4. Need an example? Here’s my LinkedIn:

Questions? Struggling?

I’m always happy to answer questions, comment below or shoot me an email If you are really ready to invest in your brand and want to hire me, let’s talk!

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