Even Superman Had A Day Job

Every single time I’m on TV, people tell me- you are a natural on television, you should have your own show. 

Every single time I write or vlog or teach a yoga class, I hear it again. You are a natural, you should do this full time.   I’m not too bad at my day job either. Somehow talking to angry parents, wrangling principals and solving problems is a skill set I’ve gotten the hang of this past year. 

I happen to be capable of lots of things and I’m not sure why people think you should only do one thing. 

As much as I admire people who go all in, quit their job and chase their dreams, I am not built that way. I have to deal in my reality and reality is that bills need to be paid. There is still some massive financial fallout from my divorce. Those 3 children that are my whole world, they are expensive! They need all kinds of stuff: a place to live, lights, hot water, a car to drive back and forth to college, clothing, medicine for asthma, insurance, therapy for anxiety that I insurance doesn’t cover and we won’t even talk about what my grocery bill looks like because basically I breed giant humans.

I can’t live in an online fantasy world, where sponsored posts and TV segments and yoga classes fully support my family. To be honest, my day job (s) funds my Dream! 

I read and study a lot. Every single piece of millionaire advice references multiple streams of income. Take a look at any business person that you admire and you will see they have several businesses. 

I haven’t quit my job because I just can’t get caught up in thinking struggling to work for myself is the only way. Why struggle if I don’t have to? Why borrow money? Why make it so hard?  Full time entrepreneurship is difficult and because of my previous life choices (marriage/divorce/debit/credit repair/single Mom of3) I can’t just throw caution to the wind and chase my dreams. Instead, I keep my day job, use my time wisely, my body on needs about 6 hours of sleep and still chase my dreams all while having a roof over my head and taking care of my children.

The goal is not 1 slowly dissolving project or 1 product or yoga studio or TV show or book that takes off. The goal is always multiple streams of income, following all of my passions and sharing my story along the way.  

There are several ways to follow your dreams, so don’t let people on the internet (including me) have you believing that struggling entrepreneur, jump off a cliff, all or nothing is the only way.

I have a lot of passions and several dreams to chase, but even Superman had a day job.   

Superman Had A Day Job 

Superman Had A Day Job 

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