My Wardrobe Capsule #Project333

My Wardrobe Capsule #Project333

In staring my new job (and not being able to be so casual), I’ve was feeling stressed.  Not sure why, since I’m not big on keeping a lot of stuff around, but my closet was becoming the exception to that rule.  So much stuff, but nothing to wear!

I discovered:

Project 333

3 months 33 items of clothing

Yes, really.  I thought it was extreme and then I started to pair it down. Before we talk about how I got to my 33, take a look at the some descriptions:

What is a ‘capsule wardrobe”: In the 1970s, London boutique owner Susie Faux coined the term "capsule wardrobe" to describe a minimal wardrobe composed of 30 to 40 high-quality, versatile items that will meet your needs for a given time amount of time.

*Helpful hint: when using google to get some inspiration for your wardrobe, be specific.  If you just google “capsule wardrobe” you will likely get the 20-something fashionista version.  That will include short shorts, hooker heels and dresses for clubbin’…etc.  None of those things work for my life, so google capsule wardrobe and include your age or occupation or curvy or winter or all black…that will point you in a more realistic version. 


The Basics of What the 33 items are: (Taken from

·         3 accessories: tote, sunglasses, scarf

·         5 shoes: (might drop this to 4)

·         6 outerwear/layering (raincoat, long sweater, jacket, vest, blazer, zip up sweatshirt)

·         3 dresses

·         5 bottoms (jeans, leggings, pants, shorts, skirt)

·         8 tops (2 long-sleeved, 6 short-sleeved)

·         3 pieces of jewelry (2 necklaces + 1 bracelet)

The Basics of What it is not:

·         What not: these items are not counted as part of the 33 items – wedding ring or another sentimental piece of jewelry that you never take off, underwear, sleep wear, in-home lounge wear,  and workout clothing (you can only wear your workout clothing to workout)

I started with my t-shirts.  I do love a good t-shirt, I have been known take them from friends and buy one at every concert and out of town trip. But there are some that just needed to go.  I had (literally) 25 tshirts from my gym.  In my defense, I work there part time and need a logo shirt for work, but 25 is probably a little much.

I created my donate pile when I really needed to do laundry.  Why? Because the things I truly wear every week are in the laundry basket.  The stuff in my closet, I clearly haven’t worn all week, maybe not all month.

I gave away the just in case I gain weight clothes, I gave away the just in case I get really skinny clothes and the shorts I bought on vacation that I never planned on wearing again and every other piece of clothing that was in bad shape (torn, missing buttons…etc). After that, turns out I didn’t have as much as I thought I did.

I started today (September 1st) and will document my outfit daily. I’m curious to see if anyone notices, I doubt they will, seeing as how I wear the same things all of the time anyway.  To make it a bit easier to start, I’ve decided to go with the seasonal plan, since I’m in Kansas and the weather can change by the hour.  Here is a Head-To-Toe Wardrobe Capsule Guide from The Refinery ( it helped guide me in my choices.

I already feel less stressed about what to wear tomorrow for work and if nothing else, it’s worth this current peace and contentment that I feel right now.

There’s a ton of people already doing this, you can see their stuff by searching or using the Hashtag: #Project333

Here’s to not stressing on what to wear for the next 3 months!

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